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Long Distance Runaround
Absolutely Right
Kiss And Say Goodbye
The Tube
Never Surrender

Things & Stuff


Daily Reads

Neal Boortz - Neal's Nuze
Mark Evanier
James Hudnall
Anonymous Speaks

Repaired Cat
says thank you.

Original Set-Up,
Maintenance, and
HTML Goddess:
Brin-Marie McLaughlin

Subsequent Tweaks:
Dave Marron

Turn It Down

2009-06-12 - 12:07 p.m.

Went to Bob's last night and helped in the studio.

We also discussed my podcast idea. Bob says it's a good idea, but his plans for a podcast "radio show" are different than what I had in mind. I'm going to do some more research and maybe I'll have some more ideas the next time I chat with him.


France's highest court has declared internet access to be a basic human right.

I wonder if this means you can demand to be given a computer - or just take one - so you can have this "basic human right".


Billy Mays won't like this.


Nothing else to talk about...except to thank the person who sent in $20 to the Laila Repair Fund yesterday. It's much appreciated.

The little dribs and drabs have added up. But we still have a ways to go. If you can donate, please click the button to the left.

If you can't donate, we understand - times are tough and starting to get a bit worse. We do appreciate all the good thoughts and well-wishes that have been sent.

Thank you all.

Have a good weekend.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

artgnome - 2009-06-12 21:03:49 -
I'm for anything that shuts Billy Mays the hell up. I guess I'll have to settle for having him turned down.


art - 2009-06-13 14:20:16 -
BILLY MAYS HERE FOR COMMENTS ONLINE!!! HAHAHAHAA!!! poor billy mays!!! everyone picks on him!!!


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