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2009-08-21 - 12:59 p.m.

Stayed home and did laundry and some housecleaning.

Things are slowly coming together.


Well, the Angels were doing just fine yesterday...until the sixth inning. Then pitcher John Lackey and reliever Matt Palmer gave up seven runs in a loss to the Indians, 11-3.

Right now, the Angels still have a 5 1/2 game lead over the Rangers, and there's still quite a bit of season left. And the Angels are at a season-high twenty-seven games over .500.

It ain't over till it's over.


Oh, one more baseball item - Steve Physioc and Rex Hudler got to interview Indians pitching great Bob Feller before the game. Feller is 90, but his mind is still very sharp.

It's always nice to see and hear from some of these classic players.


It's not only in New York - dealers in New Mexico are bailing out of the Cash For Clunkers program.

According to the article, the government owes dealers $3.6 million...and have only paid out about $14,000.

Oh, and the government is ending the program Monday.

Gee, I wonder if they'll ever get around to paying what they owe to the dealers.


So the US loaned a bunch of money to Brazil's S.A. Petrobas so they could drill for oil off-shore.

I wonder if it was before or after this happened.

This kind of coincidence would be in the news for weeks if it had happened during President Bush's term.


Who needs "death panels" when the VA is offering this to ALL patients - not just the elderly ones?


Well, I have some things to do before work today.

Be seeing you.


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