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Crime Of Passion

2009-08-24 - 12:37 p.m.

It's been quiet but kinda rough here at Chez Too Old.

My finances are tight right now - very tight. However, the good news is that I have no bills to pay. I have enough gas in the car, we have enough food for me and the cats, and I get paid tomorrow.

So instead of going out I stayed home and cooked and cleaned and watched DVDs.

We're all fine. No worries.


Folks are starting to go back to school - and that includes our employees.

Due to groups and employee schedules, I'm going to be taking Wednesday off and working Thursday instead.

The Angels have an afternoon game on Wednesday. I'm seriously thinking about going.

This time I'm going to wear sunscreen and sit on the third-base side.


Last week, the body of model Jasmine Fiore was found here in Orange County. She had been put in a suitcase and tossed in a dumpster. Her fingers had been cut off and all of her teeth pulled. Her badly mutilated body had to be identified by the serial numbers of her breast implants.

Suspicion fell on her husband Ryan Jenkins. IIRC, he had reported her missing...and then he vanished. He was a Canadian citizen, so the manhunt focused on catching him before he made it across the border.

On Wednesday, his boat was found close to the border near Vancouver. They searched, but didn't find him.

On Sunday he was found - he had committed suicide in a motel room in Hope, BC. Some of you may have seen Hope before - that's where the first Rambo movie was filmed. No note has been reported as found, but Jenkins evidently was jealous of his wife's ex-boyfriends.

This is one of those sad cases where there is no real justice. Jenkins will never go to trial for his crimes, if he did the crime in the first place. Two young people are dead. Families have been torn. All we have are questions, including the biggest one - why?

If he did kill her...then his final victim - himself - deserved what he got.


Well, the bowling game has collapsed again.

So I need to go in to work and try to fix it.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2009-08-24 23:55:40 -
Hey, but at least that Jenkins guy was considerate enough to save the OC taxpayers all of that money that would have been spent on a trial and then the mandatory appeals process for somebody on death row.


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