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Daffy Duck's Rhapsody

2009-11-06 - 12:24 p.m.

Spent yesterday at home, sheltering in place.

Nothing much to do.


However, the world had lots to do.

One man went on a rampage at Ft. Hood, killing thirteen people and wounding several others. As of today, he's in a coma.

Michael Yon writes here that everyone - especially the media - not jump to any conclusions about anything. I must say I agree; there are folks who have lost family just before Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and Christmas and Kwanzaa...let the investigation take its course.

And let the families have their grief in peace.


Nancy Pelosi wants a vote TOMORROW on her version of the health care bill...despite not knowing how much it will cost.

Well, sure...because it's not their money.


Turn the Dodge Viper logo upside down and you get...Daffy Duck?


I hope this was taken out of context, and that the President meant something else...because saying "we'll just have to deal with those people" ("those people" referring to those who are debating against man-made "climate change") sounds an awful lot like a threat.

This may backfire, though. After all, this administration took on Fox News, and Fox's ratings skyrocketed.


Is this such a problem that a SIGN had to be posted?


See, now...this is another reason why I don't use recreational drugs.

With side effects like THESE...


Beyond that...nothing else.

Have a good weekend.

Be seeing you.


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