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The Alphabet Song

2010-05-26 - 11:54 a.m.

Pretty good weekend and week.

The band gig Friday night went off very well. Most of our old crowd showed up, including an ex of mine from fifteen years ago and her mom (who was NOT an ex).

There's a new stage - no more squeezing behind a piano bar - and the place stayed crowded through the night.

The waitress was still grumpy, though. Some things don't change.


Monday morning, we were all set to work on the token collection. Jason comes up to me and tells me that he has a seven-inch pile of paperwork to deal with, so he wants me to take care of about a half-dozen things for him.

Why is this significant? Because four of those half-dozen were things he took over doing when he first got here. So I'm taking this as an indication that he knows I'm trustworthy and will get these things done a) right and b) accurately.

This is also only my opinion: when Jason got here, he literally wasn't sure who he could trust. Now, two months later, there's more of a comfort zone as he learns who can do what and who can be trusted to actually do what correctly.

He also has a tendency to give me a two-handed handshake. I'm also taking this as a good sign.


Also on Monday, Brin pinged me to let me know that the post office had sent her an e-mail informing her that her bass guitar arrived at the post office. So I offered to bring her with me when I went to pick it up after work. There was a "squee" and an agreement.

We got the package and Brin spent the next hour noodling and playing and plucking and making sure all was right. Thankfully it was - I wasn't looking forward to re-packaging the bass for a return trip.

Now I have a huge box in my living room. Thankfully, today is Trash Day.


I ordered a poster last night. This is significant because my ex-wife once told me that the mere fact that I wanted this poster was proof I had no taste - none at all.

This poster was issued back in the 80s, during Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign. This may help explain the joke for you youngsters out there.

Anyway, here's the poster. I think it's funny. Maybe you will, too - even if you're female and don't like the subject.

Some women, however, do. And there's the title link.


Okay. Day off, so things to do and people to see.

Shower's free. So, onward.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2010-05-26 18:58:29 -
You are choosing to hang around with me, which shows you have excellent taste to begin with. And I *love* that poster! It's about as effective as the original campaign turned out to be, and certainly as ridiculous. :) Good choice!


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