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I Want You (She's So Heavy)

2008-09-09 - 11:22 a.m.

We'll start today with the reason for the title:

Over in my Yahoo! mail account, the amount and subject matter of spam is truly breathtaking.

First are several e-mails from Colon Cleanse with the subject "Flush up to 20 excess pounds from your body!"...except for one of them, which says "Flush up to 15 excess pounds from your body!" Maybe that lot is defective.

Then, just below that, there is a letter from an adult diaper company, offering free diapers for a year. How the fuck did I get on BOTH of these mailing lists?

I'm also getting e-mails from someone looking for "women ages 19-56 who want to lose weight".

Maybe I should put that person on the Colon Cleanse list.


Joe Biden says Sarah Palin's views on everything from global warming to "a host of other things, are pretty far out there" and will need to be explained.

She doesn't believe in man-made global warming, nor does she believe that polar bears are endangered.

That's "pretty far out there"?


Democrat Willie Brown explains here why the Democrats are in trouble.

This is a Democrat speaking, here.


Speaking of San Francisco...

One of these traffic signs is in San Francisco.


Brin wants to do some shopping, so we're going to grab some lunch beforehand.

Shower's free.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Bob - 2008-09-10 14:14:42 -
If Palin's counter to man-made global warming is from the 'Jesus Will Fix It' department, yes, that's pretty out there. As for the polar bears, this woman hunts from a helicopter - something most hunters despise. Hunting isn't a problem - after all, Teddy Roosevelt was a hunter - but how is Palin's rugged outdoorness important now, in regards to the issues?


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