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Dave Marron

Personal Touch

2008-11-24 - 12:56 p.m.

Okay. Not a good weekend, not a good morning. Pardon my grouchiness.


Usually we have 11-14 parties on Saturday. Last Saturday, we had 35.

Sundays, it's usually 5-8. Yesterday, we had fifteen.

We did the best we could, but with finite oven space and only so many lasertag vests, we got hammered. I put over six hundred players through lasertag in about eight hours. I was on duty for 9 1/2 hours total, and didn't get a chance to take a meal break.

Thankfully, most of the customers understood and were patient.

But we really didn't need the person who trashed our bathroom yesterday. I'm not going to tell you what he did (I assume it was a male, since the mess happened in the men's room).

Let me put it this way - most people write on the walls with a marking pen. He used something more...personal.


And now, today. It looks like the lasertag computer is bombing out again.

I've got to go in and work on this thing. Early.

Wait till they get my bill.


And today they decided to park a fire truck and a garbage truck in the school playground. I suppose it's one of those up-close-and-personal-look-at-job-equipment things.

Well, the kids found one thing worth playing with - the horns. It's not like anyone in the neighborhood is sleeping, right?

Oh, wait...


Today's title is a Michael Jackson song...which is kinda sick, when you think about it.


The hell with it. I can't think with the noise. I'm outta here.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Bob - 2008-11-25 16:58:08 -
Isn't there some kind of limit on what can be accepted? It sounds like you were slammed because that many reservations were made and no one approved adding a staff member or two to help.


Dave - 2008-11-25 21:08:40 -
Everyone who was available to work that day - did. The person who took the reservations AFAIK didn't say "no" to anyone who called in. But then, that person DOESN'T work on Saturdays.


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