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Run For Your Life

2007-01-17 - 11:07 a.m.

I finished Desperation last night.

It's a good book, containing some thematic elements of King's other stories: the good-vs.evil of The Stand and redemption-through-sacrifice from The Langoliers. But it's not as scary as It or Pet Semetary, at least IMHO.

But it IS a good book. Thumbs up.


There's a new phishing scam out there. And people are falling for it.

I can't describe it here. Just go look (you may have to skip over an ad), and remember - it's a scam. It's bullshit, just like all phishing scams.


In the Irony? What's That? Dept.:

Look who's been invited to attend Vienna's Opera Ball.

And in the Young Idiots Dept:

Since Britney did her "Kojak commando", she's not being considered for an all-star ad for the NFL that's due to appear during Super Bowl XLI.

An insider called her "a train wreck", and said, "We already have Paris Hilton".

As if that's better.


Well, I didn't make it to the post office yesterday. I'm going to try again today, before it rains.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Bob - 2007-01-17 20:25:57 -
At least Super Bowl executives thought Janet Jackson could keep her clothes ON. We know Britney CAN'T. Regardless, they probably don't want to be hit with another fine, even though it's for an advertisement within their program.


Bob - 2007-01-17 20:32:01 -
Re: the new phishing scam ... as you'd think the hitman would only abandon his gig if he was paid more, (let's say at least 50% more) I want to know who wanted to whack me for $40,000 or less ... ;)


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