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The Raspberry Song

2009-08-26 - 10:21 a.m.

Well, I did go out and get a ticket to today's ball game.

This time, I hope to learn from my last experience at Angels Stadium for an afternoon game.

I went out and got sunscreen, first off. I will be using it. Secondly, I got my seat on the third-base side, so the sun will be blocked by the upper side of the stadium walls.

Third-ly, I plan to take the bus. I will walk about a half-mile to where the bus line goes. It runs every fifteen minutes, so I won't be there too long. On the way back, it runs every TEN minutes. So there will be some exercise before and after the game.

It's either this or drive. If I drive, I not only pay more for a parking space than I would for the bus fare, but I also get to fight my way through traffic both in and out of the parking lot. Last time, it took thirty minutes from when I got INTO the car to when I got out of the parking lot - and that was when school was still in session, so there may be even more parents and kids there today.

So I'm going to try it with the bus. If it works out, I'll probably do it again. This route runs into the wee small hours of the morning, so doing this for a night game is also a possibility.


From Hud's blog:

Almost two thousand inmates received government stimulus checks, an error that cost about $425,000.


Here's your title link - go here and go down about halfway. The song takes place in prison, so...


We note in this space the passing of Ted Kennedy.

While I never agreed with his politics and felt there were many examples of his hypocrisy, I'm glad that he is no longer in pain.

That said, we also note that, if he does stand before a Throne Of Judgment somewhere, he has a great deal to answer for.


Since Rahm Emmanuel said that the Democrats "should never let a crisis go to waste", I wonder how long it will be before Kennedy's name is used to push the health care bill through.

Just remember - it's NOT the same plan Kennedy would have had. Government employees are exempt from the plan being forced on the rest of us...

...which I'm certain is a relief to Chris Dodd.


Okay. If I'm gonna make it in time for the game, I gotta hit the shower.

Be seeing you.


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