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says thank you.

Original Set-Up,
Maintenance, and
HTML Goddess:
Brin-Marie McLaughlin

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Dave Marron

Savin' The Day

2007-12-04 - 11:07 a.m.

Got an e-mail from former roommate Charlie with a wonderful Trojan virus remover. That thing went in, found the problems, and killed them rather spectacularly.

Thank you very much, good sir. I'm very grateful.


Well, I'm sure you're all waiting with bated breath about the cat lady from yesterday's post.

It was pointed out to me - okay, it was beaten into my head - that the health of the kittehs mentioned was in question. Since the animals weren't from a shelter or a rescue facility where the animal's health can be watched and verified, there's no way to be more certain what illnesses they have or don't have.

So I called her back and told her that, because of these concerns and a couple others, I wouldn't be taking any animals from her home.

However, Brin very generously offered to post on Craigslist and weed through the replies. The lady thanked us for the offer, and said she would definitely consider it. So we'll see what happens.

Sometimes I'm too nice a guy for my own good.


Ya know how many folks in the news - and many of the presidential candidates - are talking about how there are "47 million uninsured Americans"?

Well, here's a breakdown of that number.


Over on, somebody came up with the idea of making covers for Ted Kennedy's autobiography. Submissions are here.

Some are pretty vicious. Be warned.


Today's title comes from the movie Ghostbusters. It's heard when Our Heroes are being escorted by police to the Big Battle At The End Of The Movie.

Just so you know.


Well, I have a few things to do before I go in to work.

Be seeing you.


1 comments so far

Brin - 2007-12-04 14:14:13 -
Dave, by supporting the adoption of a pet through the county, we make it possible for more people like the little old cat lady to receive help. You're a good guy to want to fix her problems, though, and you've devoted enough karma to this particular issue. Rest your head and your heart, now, my friend.


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