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Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

2008-12-24 - 12:56 a.m.

Christmas Eve is here. I still have to work.

It looks like we'll be closing at 5pm for sure. I'll have to go in at 10am, so I'm posting early.


I got to do a little teasing last night. I went to Carl's Jr. for dinner. At the table next to mine, there was a little girl who started to throw a drama tantrum - a loud one. Her mother started to get exasperated, almost to the point of shouting.

As I got up from the table, I turned to the mom and said, "Santa is watching."

The mom smiled and chuckled. The little girl's eyes got HUGE...and she calmed down a little.

I couldn't resist. I continued. Still talking to the mom, I said, "You have Santa's phone number, right?" I smiled at the little girl. "All mommies have Santa's phone number." And I sauntered out the door.

I saw the little girl through the window...and she was quietly eating her dinner.

Maybe next time, I'll call Brin and pretend she's Mrs. Claus. "Oh, he's busy? Okay, well...there's a little girl who isn't eating her dinner...oh, he knows already? I should've known that..."


Speaking of Brin, she gave me the news last night - the Yankees got Teixiera.

Hell, Steinbrenner just had to print more money.


One of the investors who lost over $1 billion of his clients' funds in the Bernard Madoff swindle committed suicide.

No word if Madoff will be charged.


Okay, I'm going to bed.

I will be posting tomorrow.

Be seeing you.


2 comments so far

Brin aka Bindyree - 2008-12-24 09:01:42 -
I'd be *thrilled* to be Mrs Santa Claus. Mind you, don't *look* for trouble, but ya know. :-)


artgnome - 2008-12-24 13:40:54 -
hah, I bet that mom just LOVED you for that. I know I would have. Classic.


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