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I Gotta Get A Fake I.D.

2007-06-20 - 1:01 p.m.

Stayed up and watched another set of eps of NYPD Blue.

Only another week or two, and we'll be back to the beginning of the series...which I have on DVD.

So hopefully, common sense will kick in and I can get some sleep, instead of staying up and watching something I already have.


Today's entry is all about stuff that's worth giggling at.

Let's start in the You Can't Make This Stuff Up Dept.:

WASHINGTON (AP) � Did Internet thieves steal Herman Munster's MasterCard number?

Crooks in an underground chat room for selling stolen credit card numbers and personal consumer information offered pilfered data purportedly about Herman Munster, the 1960s Frankenstein-like character from "The Munsters" TV sitcom.

The thieves apparently didn't realize Munster was a fictional TV character and dutifully offered to sell Munster's personal details � accurately listing his home address from the television series as 1313 Mocking Bird Lane � and what appeared to be his MasterCard number. Munster's birth date was listed as Aug. 15, 1964, suspiciously close to the TV series' original air date in September 1964.

CardCops Inc., the Malibu, Calif., Internet security company that quietly recorded details of the illicit but wayward transaction, surmised that a Munsters fan knowledgeable about the show deliberately provided the bogus data.

"The identity thief thought it was good data," said Dan Clements, the company's president.

Clements said evidence indicates the thief, known online as "Supra," was operating overseas. "They really stumble over our culture. He's probably not watching any reruns of `The Munsters' on TV Land."

Herman Munster was portrayed by Fred Gwynne, who died in July 1993.

"Phishing" thieves often trick consumers into revealing financial secrets by sending e-mail requests that appear to originate from banks. A consumer's financial details can be worth $4 and $40 among online thieves, who can use the information to open fraudulent credit accounts.

CardCops eavesdrops on conversations among thieves in underground Internet chat rooms to monitor for stolen credit card numbers being sold or traded. It offers monitoring services to alert consumers whose information is compromised by hackers.

That might be a fun thing to do - start compiling a list of fake names and info to give to these assholes. After all, who wouldn't want the information from this guy?

Or this successful businessman?

Or even this secret agent?


From Hud's blog comes this.

The one labeled "WTF?!" is a Photoshop job, but the others look suspiciously real.


Continuing with the humor portion of the show...

Here's another one of those wear-to-Disneyland-and-see-how-many-people-you-can-annoy T-shirts.


And here's a blast from gaming's past.

Thanks, Phil.


Today's title comes from these fine fellows.

Just so you know.

Shower's free.

Be seeing you.


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